Apply For Membership

Level-up and lead the way

Expand your leadership skillset through world-class speakers, Legacy Club partners, and experienced members.

Testimonial Giver Portrait

‘’Legacy Club has given me access to a large community of genuine and authentic business owners and leaders who have a wealth of knowledge and shared passion for personal development and success.’’

renee rogers - ceo, ono

"I have never known a networking club to completely understand its members needs and consistently deliver on those. I have been most impressed with The Legacy Club's ability to deliver outstanding networking opportunities with hugely influential business leaders where I am regularly left in awe and admiration."

Renee Rogers

"The community that lies behind The Legacy Club is truly inspirational. Everyone supports you. Everyone wants you to win. The culture is unparalleled and I can't praise Chris enough for his commitment to his members wanting everyone to succeed."

Dhilon Solanki
Story Locker

"Deeply rooted friendships are naturally formed at Legacy Club. It's an inclusive club, not an exclusive club. Learning together, collaborating together, it's natural networking in its purest form."

Ian Minor
Brave Corporation

Be the difference

Take your place in the community.

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