Apply For Membership

Level-up and lead the way

Expand your leadership skillset through world-class speakers, Legacy Club partners, and experienced members.

Testimonial Giver Portrait

‘’Legacy Club has given me access to a large community of genuine and authentic business owners and leaders who have a wealth of knowledge and shared passion for personal development and success.’’

renee rogers - ceo, ono

"The Legacy Club was my first community after I arrived in the UK and new to the country. Now, it is home. The camaraderie and connection, in business and life are priceless.

Stacy Kehren Idema

"Legacy Club is a moveable feast of entrepreneurship and connection. It's a new approach to a members club in an age of flexible working. Rather than being underpinned by a permanent physical space, it's held together with passion and common goals"

Daniel Priestley
Dent Global

"As a young entrepreneur, Legacy Club has been the business partner I never knew I needed. Chris and his team have always helped me solve any issues I faced and put me in touch with the best industry leaders to support my journey"

Keelan Waldock

Be the difference

Take your place in the community.

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